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2020 Currie -Strickland Distinguished Lectures in Christian Ethics

Teacher Certification

Teacher certification at the secondary-level is available.

Beyond the Classroom

Internship opportunities are available in accounting, business administration, computer information systems and marketing. Internship sites are mutually selected by students and their advisor.


Students applying for admission to the School of Business may also choose to apply for admission to the Guy D. Newman Honors Academy. Providing an innovative approach to the academic program, the Academy enables students to combine their specialized major with coursework grounded in an understanding of the American free enterprise system.


There are a number of scholarships, grants and loans available through the university’s Office of Financial Aid.

Additionally, departmental scholarships are available for HPU students who are already enrolled in their major. The School of Business will open the scholarship application process during the Spring semester only. Watch for announcements in Blackboard and posted signs.

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 Ready to get started on your lifelong journey as an HPU Yellow Jacket?​ Apply for free today!