Black Student Association: A night honoring black history and culture

By Jordan Favors | Black History Month is a time to reflect on history and the role that historical black figures have played to ensure that society is progressing towards true equality. Kaidrion Latson, the vice president of the Black Student Association, stated that black history and culture should be celebrated every month.

“Black history and black culture made this country. This country was built by it. Black people should get more exposure and recognition. I think black people are unsung heroes in a sense,” said Latson.

Daniel Shelton, the president of the BSA, believes that the BSA, at Howard Payne University exists to give minority students a place on campus to feel heard and make sure that there is equal representation among the student body.

“Black students haven’t had a voice on campus before the past couple years. That leads to us having things like a Cultural Awareness Month instead of a Black History Month. Before last year, the only events we would have were the Black History Month chapel events and speakers,” said Shelton.

The BSA, Student Government Association, and Department of Humanities hosted a Cultural Showcase on Monday, February 22, A Night Honoring Black History and Culture, included original poems, speeches, and encouraging words from students and professors.

Dr. Kevin Kelley, a psychology professor, closed the event by leading a discussion on what we can do now to better equip the next generation.

“The event tonight was inspiring. To see so much energy and excitement about the journey we have going forward while still heralding the strength of our parents and the people that went before us to give us the rights and the freedoms we enjoy calls us to a greater cause and to work harder moving forward,” said Kelley.

Mya Ross, an officer for the BSA, invites all HPU students to join the BSA in their efforts to give minorities a louder voice. “I hope that the BSA can play a larger and more pivotal role in helping our students on campus come to learn more about the black community,” said Ross.


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