Senior Memoir From Our Staff

By Brienna Williams & Tia Campos | Brienna Williams, YJ Staff Writer – “My time at Howard Payne University has been short. I transferred in at the beginning of my Junior year. I originally began my college career at The University of Mary Hardin Baylor and never expected to end up at HPU, but I can see how it has been all a part of God’s grace to bring me here. I transferred to HPU after I married my husband, Eli Williams, who was finishing his degree at HPU. With smaller class sizes and deeper personal relationships I have been able to develop with my professors. The wide range of opportunities I have been met with at HPU have been some of the greatest gifts of transferring.

While my college experience looked much different after I got married, it was still so good. My professors at HPU challenged my character and beliefs and pushed me to ask questions such as, “why?”. These relationships with professors and the challenges, and questions have brought me to a place of confidence, strength and my purpose in life, which is to know and love God while teaching others to do the same. Having been equipped with my purpose as well as a degree in Communication, I now have the opportunity to go into the career field and fulfill this purpose.

I will begin a full-time position as Director of Community Relations at Chick-fil-A Brownwood where I will have the opportunity to use my degree to bridge the gap between Chick-fil-A and the Brownwood community through relationships, communication and marketing opportunities. I am so excited about this opportunity and the opportunity to stay in Brownwood for a while.

Enjoy your years as a college student, don’t miss out on these days by being eager for the next season of life. Life is hard and becomes real very quickly. God is faithful to teach you and equip you with what you need for your life and future, be patient, enjoy your season in college and trust God’s faithfulness where you are now. God is so good and worth every difficulty, challenge and joy that comes. Life isn’t worth living if it isn’t for Jesus, we have no hope in the life outside of Jesus. Ask the hard questions, allow people who love and care for you to challenge you and be patient.”

Tia Campos, YJ Photographer –  “My time at Howard Payne University has been a very cherished experience. I was given the opportunity to meet people who will always have a special place in my heart and memory. Being part of the softball program here at HPU has allowed me to meet some of my best friends and friends alike.

The biggest lesson I’ve learned during my time on campus is that it’s okay not to fit in, and to be the quiet kid. Having ambitions that don’t align with the main crowd are what set you apart and make you who you are, it’s okay not to be “cool.”

Lastly, if you play a sport, play every game and practice like it’s your last, you truly never know when it’ll be your last. #StingEm”


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