The Lord Answers

By: Colin Thompson, guest writer and sophomore Christian studies major with an emphasis in ministry leadership

“Lord, I wait for you; you will answer, Lord my God.”

Psalm 38:15 – (NIV)

As long as we live, there will always be seasons of silence, joy, suffering, and abundance, but it sure seems that the seasons of suffering are always the hardest. I came across this verse during my quiet time a few weeks back and have been trying my best to cling to it ever since.

Although the scripture does not give much detail as to David’s exact situation, we do know that David is going through a time of physical and mental suffering. Lately, my life has been exceptionally challenging, requiring every ounce of faith within me to navigate each day, all the while waiting for the Lord’s deliverance from this challenging season. This verse has been my prayer to the Lord recently, and I think it can be encouraging to others as well. Regardless of what we are waiting for, whether it is a job, a spouse, God’s peace, or His deliverance, we are always waiting on the Lord. As believers, we can pray this verse often and know that God will answer and deliver us from whatever struggle we may face. But we must remember that God’s deliverance may look different than what we expect.

Consider how this verse in Psalms relates to Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane. Jesus cried out, “Father, if you are willing, take this cup from me; yet not my will, but yours be done (Luke 22:42).” If we are not careful, we might overlook the verse that follows it. The next verse says, “An angel from heaven appeared to him and strengthened him.” God’s answer to our prayers may be His provision of the strength necessary to make it through a current difficulty or pain. 

God will never leave us, but He may allow us to struggle to grow and strengthen our faith. We know that all good and perfect things come from God (James 1:17), but in many circumstances, it takes time for the “good things” to come to fruition. God did not create the world and all that is in it in one day, nor did He raise Christ on the first day, which may mean that we should be more patient with His answer to our prayers. As a sovereign God, He could certainly take away our pain all at once, and maybe He will. But it also could be that what we should be asking is for Him to strengthen our faith and help us wait patiently for Him. 

If you are going through a tough season, I would like to encourage you to pray this verse so you may come to know with certainty that God is good and that He will answer in a way that is good for you and for His glory. 


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